• dmsriebpl@gmail.com
  • +0755-2522083
  • 0755-2661668


                                                            DEMONSTRATION MULTIPURPOSE SCHOOL

      Regional Institute Of Education, Bhopal

F. NO. 18-1/DMS/RIEB/2023 /1583                                                                        Date: 20/01/2023


With reference your letter No. F./M.Comm./Estt/RIEB/2022/177 dated 18/01/2023 the required Information in respect of class-wise enrollment of student for the session 2022-23 and result of the Annual Examination 2022 in the given format and special achievement and other information pertaining to students and staff is as follows:-

01. Enrollment of student’s class wise in the current session 2022-23 of Pre-Primary Primary Section and Secondary Section.



S.No. Class Enrolled Students Total
General SC ST
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Total
1 Pre Primary 21 17 6 2 0 4 27 23 50
2 I 29 23 7 5 4 1 40 29 69
3 II 35 20 3 8 2 2 40 30 70
4 III 34 18 4 8 1 4 39 30 69
5 IV 29 24 4 8 3 2 36 34 70
6 V 33 24 7 3 3 1 43 28 71
7 VI 35 13 11 5 5 2 51 20 71
8 VII 29 24 10 4 1 2 40 30 70
9 VIII 22 30 8 5 4 2 34 37 71
10 IX 29 21 9 5 3 3 41 29 70
11 X 21 21 7 9 4 1 32 31 63
12 XI 30 34 5 10 1 1 36 45 81
13 XII 29 32 9 7 3 2 41 41 82
Total 500 407 907